Luxurious Magazine's 9 Autumn/Winter Beauty Must-Haves 1Luxurious Magazine's 9 Autumn/Winter Beauty Must-Haves 1

Leanne Kelsall rounds up the latest luxury skin and hair care essentials to stay looking radiant this winter.

There are so many reasons to love autumn and winter. Cosy pubs with crackling fires, forest walks among fallen leaves, the return of the much-loved Sunday roast… But with the change in season comes icy winds, freezing temperatures and central heating that can leave your skin and hair feeling unloved.

So to get you A/W-ready, we’ve rounded up our favourite tried-and-tested beauty essentials available now.

These luxury cosmetics for your skin and hair will keep you glowing all winter long, even when the sun isn’t.


Luxurious Magazine's 9 Autumn/Winter Beauty Must-Haves 2Luxurious Magazine's 9 Autumn/Winter Beauty Must-Haves 2ZENii Hyaluronic Booster Serum, £70
It’s important to hit your water intake over the colder months to restore lost moisture in your skin. You can also give it a boost with a serum, like this one. This stylish-looking pot has been formulated by one of the UK’s top skin doctors. It helps to combat the drying effects of central heating with sodium hyaluronate (found naturally in the body), which holds onto and attracts water. It’s lightweight and oil-free – so best applied in the morning before your moisturiser. And because it’s light, it’s suitable for all skin types.

WUNDER2-Wundertox-Cleansing-Detox-MaskWUNDER2-Wundertox-Cleansing-Detox-MaskWUNDER2 Wundertox Cleansing Detox Mask, £19.95
Here’s another remedy for dry, chapped skin. The WUNDER2 foaming cleanser will deliver a shot of oxygen to instantly soothe weather-damaged skin. It massages on and rinses off in seconds – and gives rapid results, so I highly recommend it.

Luxurious Magazine's 9 Autumn/Winter Beauty Must-Haves 3Luxurious Magazine's 9 Autumn/Winter Beauty Must-Haves 3Perricone MD Daily Brightening Moisturiser SPF 30, £45
The sun might come and go as it pleases during autumn and winter but that doesn’t mean we should ditch our SPF – UV rays are always present. This silky, fast-to-absorb moisturiser with SPF 30, hydrates, protects and brightens skin while improving imperfections. It’s filled with skin-loving antioxidants, like turmeric, olive leaf and green tea.


ila Night Cream for Glowing Radiance, £71
Luxurious Magazine's 9 Autumn/Winter Beauty Must-Haves 4Luxurious Magazine's 9 Autumn/Winter Beauty Must-Haves 4ila skincare is a personal favourite of mine as all the ingredients are meretriciously sourced and for the most part, handmade or picked. This wonderful night cream will give you a glowing complexion as you wake. Rosehip seed oil – a deeply regenerative ingredient – and neroli oil provide super strength healing powers. While rose and white lily stem cells tackle fine lines and wrinkles. The best part though; the cream suits almost any skin type.

Rosalena Frank & Sense Face Oil, £42
Luxurious Magazine's 9 Autumn/Winter Beauty Must-Haves 5Luxurious Magazine's 9 Autumn/Winter Beauty Must-Haves 5If your skin is generally blemish and acne-free, you’ll really benefit from an intensive night oil over autumn and winter. This beautiful new range of oils uses natural ingredients to soothe stressed skin. Forget Vaseline – it’s the perfect cure for dry or chapped skin, utilising Frankincense, Sandalwood Mysore, Cape Chamomile, Neroli and Rose Otto. Handily, it’s also travel-sized (15ml) so you can pop it in your handbag or suitcase wherever you go. And you’ll only need a few drops at a time.

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