How the Pandemic is Changing Behaviours on the 2021 Asian Dating SceneHow the Pandemic is Changing Behaviours on the 2021 Asian Dating Scene

After over a year-long pandemic, statistics have shown that singles are eager to get back to dating and realise the importance of a real, face-to-face connection. Lunch Actually recently conducted a survey involving 500 singles to uncover if Covid-19 and vaccinations impact their dating behaviour and preferences.

The past 18-months has been a wake-up call for the world. Most people this time last year would’ve expected it to have disappeared by now; alas, it is still here, and some places showing few signs of easing. However, life still needs to go on and given all the restrictions, many singles are now even more eager to find the right company.

Lunch Actually’s Dating & Vaccination Survey 2021 has revealed how the pandemic has become a major factor in dating. Almost half (43%) of the singles surveyed* agreed that it is very important to them that their upcoming potential dates have been vaccinated, and 78% said they felt it safer to go on a date if their match has had the vaccine.

However, one of the most surprising pieces of data from the survey was when those surveyed were asked if they would still be open to going on a date with someone who has not been vaccinated or was not willing to be vaccinated, 61% of singles said yes.

A doctor ready to administer a vaccineA doctor ready to administer a vaccine

“While most singles do feel that meeting vaccinated matches gives them peace of mind when they go on a date, the result shows that the majority are still willing to explore and go on a date with someone who has not been vaccinated. Some possible reasons could be they know that vaccination is not a guarantee that they will not contract the virus.

There could also be valid reasons why someone may not be able to get vaccinated, such as allergies. Hence, singles have shared with us that they do not want this to hinder their chances of getting a match and writing them off immediately just based on their vaccination status,” says Violet Lim, CEO and Co-Founder of Lunch Actually.

That being said, when asked whether vaccination has a role in their dating preferences, 75% of singles surveyed say that they prefer to date someone who has the same views as them about COVID-19 and vaccination.

Violet said, “This is in line with the matching philosophy of Lunch Actually, which focuses on compatibility in values and life goals. At the end of the day, having a conversation with someone about their views on vaccination is more important to find out if they are compatible; beyond just the vaccination status.”

This is echoed by S.C, a 50-year-old single CEO in the hospitality industry who said, “I think that everyone has different views on vaccination, and to me personally, it’s good that someone has been vaccinated, but it’s not a deal-breaker. Profile, character, values and life stages are more important considerations than being vaccinated. However, everyone should comply with safety measures and precautions. Having said that, I’m supportive of efforts in keeping the citizens safe and ensuring that most, if not all, are vaccinated.” S.C has completed both doses of vaccination.

As more dating apps are displaying vaccination status on each single’s dating profile, 34% of singles surveyed say that it will help daters get more matches, and 51% of singles say it may result in more matches.

With dating apps, singles only have dating profiles to look at to decide if they would like to swipe right or left, and seeing that someone has been vaccinated may give them a better sense of security. “However, just like the survey has shown, this is not the main criteria that singles are looking for, and it still boils down to the match’s profile and picture to attract other singles on the app,” Violet says.

*Dating & Vaccination Survey 2021 polled 500 singles in Malaysia (56% male and 44% female). The majority of singles surveyed are within 31-45 years old. 17% of them have received Covid-19 vaccinations, and 72% plan to get vaccinated when the option is offered to them.

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