Chiva-Som Hua Hin Introduces Epigenetics and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Chiva-Som Hua Hin Introduces Epigenetics and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Pioneering transformative wellness destination Chiva-Som Hua Hin, Thailand, is launching epigenetics testing and hyperbaric oxygen treatments, further enhancing its extensive, bespoke approach to optimal health.

The introduction of epigenetics testing further enhances the hyper-personalisation of consultations and retreats to support optimal health, while the addition of hyperbaric oxygen treatments supports blood-oxygen levels, recovery and overall longevity.

The two new services follow the recent introduction of genomics testing and bone density analysis. Sleep health therapies are also set to launch in July, continuing Chiva-Som’s dedication to supporting all guests on transformative wellness journeys.

A doctor talking to a female guest

Epigenetic Testing
The introduction of epigenetic testing allows Chiva-Som’s expert team to understand how an individual’s genes are affected by their environment. Epigenetic testing is a science that looks at how lifestyle and environmental factors, such as diet, exercise, the physical environment and emotional health, interact with how an individual’s genes function.

This is different from genomics testing, which only looks at an individual’s genomic sequence and any predispositions this may have in terms of their health. Epigenetics is the study of the environmental factors that activate and deactivate the genes.

When certain genes are under or over-activated by external stimuli, diseases and health complications can arise, such as diabetes, mental health issues and cardiovascular disease.

As a person ages, alterations in DNA methylation patterns can disrupt the proper control of gene expression. Through epigenetic testing, a person’s biological age, rather than chronological age, can be understood, and advice can be given on how to slow the ageing process through sustainable exercise and nutritional habits tailored to the individual.

Epigenetic testing highlights the effects of the environment on an individual’s genes. It can identify key target interventions to reduce long-term health concerns and the risk of chronic disease, explain how genes are controlled, and provide disease risk assessments.

What’s more, epigenetics tests can be repeated periodically to monitor how the genes’ functions are changing over time, highlighting improvements or other environmental areas to focus on.

A team member explaining how the chamber works to a guest

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)
This month also sees the integration of HBOT into Chiva-Som’s extensive treatment and service offering, further supporting guests’ journeys toward optimal well-being and longevity.

Through the process of breathing in pure oxygen in a pressurised, controlled environment, a programme of HBOT sessions can provide a wealth of health benefits, such as enhanced cognitive function, reduced inflammation, improved cellular function and shorter sports recovery times – which can all in turn support longevity.

By increasing oxygen levels in the blood and improving circulation, HBOT can also support a variety of the body’s functions, including the healing process and energy production, while reducing fatigue, especially when sessions are part of an integrated approach to health and wellbeing.

A female guest reading a book inside the oxygen chamber

On the additions of Epigenetic testing and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Chanyapak Suwankantha, Wellness Director at Chiva-Som Hua Hin, comments, “We’ve always been dedicated to guiding our guests through transformative wellness journeys that provide sustainable wellbeing benefits and habits, long beyond their stay at Chiva-Som. We’re thrilled to be adding a range of additional services and treatments to our already extensive offering, ensuring we continue our dedication to guest experience and health.”

“With the introduction of Epigenetics, which can be complemented by our genomics testing, we can truly tailor programmes, retreats and advice to how an individual’s genes are affected by their environment, elevating our personalised approach. The new Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy brings another dimension to retreats for those seeking to improve circulation, reduce inflammation and pursue a healthier lifestyle.”

As one of the world’s leading health and wellness resorts, Chiva-Som is committed to its integrated, holistic approach to optimal health through nutrition, exercise, and treatments that uplift the mind, body, and soul. Blending six modalities of wellness—physiotherapy, Holistic Health, Nutrition, Fitness, Spa, and Aesthetic Beauty—the resort guides guests on a personal and powerful journey to support long-term health.

A photograph of the resort pool at sunsetChiva-Som Hua Hin Introduces Epigenetics and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy 2

Natasha Godbold

Creative Director / Writer

Natasha is a co-founder of Luxurious Magazine® and has undertaken the role of Creative Director. She is a keen photographer and regularly accompanies Paul on hotel and restaurant reviews. Born in Moscow, Natasha like her husband Paul has experienced living in multiple countries around the world. She is bi-lingual and has degrees in English Language and English Literature. Natasha covers all aspect of the luxury industry in her work. Her hobbies include health and fitness, culture and learning about nature and animal welfare.

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