Daniel Canzian Becomes the New President of JRE-Jeunes Restaurateur

Daniel Canzian Becomes the New President of JRE-Jeunes Restaurateur

JRE-Jeunes Restaurateurs, a network of young culinary professionals dedicated to high standards of cooking and restaurant management, has announced that Daniel Canzian is its new designated President. Daniel Canzian, known for his innovative approach to traditional Italian cuisine, will bring his experience and visionary mindset to the association.

Daniel Canzian is an Italian chef known for his refined take on Italian classics and commitment to sustainable culinary practices. He has been a prominent figure in the culinary world for over a decade. As the owner and head chef of the acclaimed restaurant Daniel Canzian in Milan, he has received widespread recognition for his inventive dishes that emphasise local, seasonal ingredients.

A photograph of Daniel dressed in his 'whites'His dedication to the culinary arts and his leadership in promoting responsible gastronomy align perfectly with the values of JRE-Jeunes Restaurateurs.

“I am truly honoured to take on the role of President for JRE-Jeunes Restaurateurs,” said Canzian. “This association represents culinary excellence and innovation, and I am excited to work with my talented colleagues to further our mission of nurturing young talent and promoting sustainable, high-quality dining experiences.”

Canzian succeeds Daniel Lehmann, who has been a part of the JRE-Jeunes Restaurateurs leadership team for over a decade, including serving as President for the past six years. Lehmann’s tenure has been marked by significant advancements in the association’s commitment to culinary excellence and sustainability.

Among his notable achievements are the launch of a fine-dining app and the celebration of JRE’s 50th anniversary with a grand congress in Paris, which showcased the association’s history and future aspirations.

“It has been a privilege to lead JRE-Jeunes Restaurateurs and work with such a dedicated and talented group of individuals,” said Lehmann. “I am confident that Daniel Canzian will continue to elevate the association and inspire our members to new heights of innovation and excellence in the culinary arts.”

In his new role, Canzian aims to focus on several key initiatives, including:

Enhancing Global Culinary Collaborations: Under Canzian’s leadership, JRE will strengthen its international connections, fostering cross-cultural exchanges and partnerships that will enrich the culinary landscape and provide members with new opportunities for growth and inspiration.

Promoting Sustainable Practices: Canzian is an advocate for sustainability, and he plans to lead JRE in championing environmentally friendly practices.

Supporting Young Talent: As part of his commitment to nurturing the next generation of chefs, Canzian will expand JRE’s mentorship programs, providing aspiring culinary professionals with the guidance, resources, and platforms they need to succeed in the competitive world of gastronomy.

Innovating in Culinary Arts: Emphasising creativity and innovation, Canzian will encourage members to explore new techniques and concepts, pushing the boundaries of traditional cuisine while respecting its roots.

“This marks an exciting new chapter for JRE-Jeunes Restaurateurs,” said Hans van Manen, CEO of JRE-Jeunes Restaurateurs. “Daniel’s passion, expertise, and forward-thinking approach are exactly what our association needs to continue leading the way in the culinary world. I have every confidence that under his guidance, JRE will reach new heights of excellence.”

JRE-Jeunes Restaurateurs has long been at the forefront of the culinary industry, boasting a membership of over 400 restaurants in 16 countries. The association is dedicated to promoting the talents and values of young restaurateurs and chefs, ensuring the future of high-quality gastronomy is bright and innovative.

For more information about JRE-Jeunes Restaurateurs and its new President, Daniel Canzian, please visit https://jre.eu/en/.

Lead image: JRE International Board of Directors (from left to right): VP Gašper Puhan, Former President Daniel Lehmann, New President Daniel Canzian, CEO Hans van Manen.

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