The Majority of Brits are Still Baffled by Environmental Terms

The Majority of Brits are Baffled by Environmental Terms, According to New Research

According to a poll, despite four in ten Brits feeling passionate about climate change, we remain completely in the dark about the meaning of words such as “net zero,” “carbon offsetting,” and “greenwashing.”

The results from the survey reveal that a staggering nine in ten (89%) say they find environmental jargon mind-boggling, admitting they have NO IDEA what many terms actually mean.

In fact, 19% wrongly guessed that “net zero” (no longer adding to the total amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere) meant stopping the use of fossil fuels completely, while almost one in twenty thought it was a fishing term.

One in three (33%) had no idea of the meaning of “tipping point” (the point of no return after which changes caused by climate change become irreversible) – with seven percent guessing it referred to the ITV game show, which has the same name.

Other environmental terms that leave Brits in the dark include Kyoto Protocol (62% have no idea what this means), Cradle to Cradle (56%), E-waste (37%) and Greenwashing (34%)

Over half (52%) had never heard of the term Black Carbon, while another 52% didn’t fully understand the word “Ecocide.”

Afforestation (44%), CFCs (39%), and Desertification (39%) also stump Brits, while Carcinogen (38%) and Ecological Footprint (37%) are other terms which leave Brits scratching their heads.

So, it’s no surprise that two-thirds (65%) of us regularly search the Internet to understand environmental jargon, according to a survey of 2,000 Brits by Hello Hydrogen.

Overall, 59 percent admit they have very little idea how to reduce their impact on the environment, with six in ten (60%) struggling to understand how they can make their home more sustainable.

Four in ten (40%) went a step further, saying there is a lot of conflicting advice about how to reduce your impact on the environment.

Angela Needle from Hello Hydrogen, who commissioned the study, said, “We all know we need to do more to stop climate change, but what this research tells us is that people are overwhelmed and confused.

“One thing we know for sure is that we’ll need to make some changes, which is why Hello Hydrogen is working to create a simple, straightforward solution to help us all be greener – a great choice, without the jargon.”

Eighty-seven percent say they switch off when they hear or read terms that they don’t understand, with a third (33%) admitting they get frustrated when the Government uses confusing environmental terms instead of explaining what they mean.

Despite this, one in five (22%) say they constantly worry about their impact on the environment with over half (56%) more worried than they were five years ago.

Gen Z and millennials worry the most (31%) compared to those aged over 60 (14%).

Overall, 77% of Brits are actively trying to reduce their environmental footprint.

A man sat on a sofa looking confused

The Most Confusing Environmental Terms

Circular Economy – 80% (Of Brits have no idea what this means)
Kyoto Protocol – 62%
Cradle to cradle – 56%
Agroecology – 56%
Blue Carbon – 55%
Aquaponics – 53%
Black Carbon – 52%
Ecocide – 52%
Net Zero – 45%
Afforestation – 44%
Tipping Point – 40%
CFCs – 39%
Desertification – 39%
Clean Beauty – 39%
Plasticulture – 39%
Carcinogen – 38%
Ocean Dead Zones – 38%
Ecological footprint – 37%
E-waste – 37%
Geothermal Energy – 34%
Greenwashing – 34%
Biomass – 33%
Carbon capture– 31%
Thermal pollution – 29%
Ecotourism – 29%
Decarbonisation – 29%
Carbon offsetting – 29%
Rewilding – 29%
Fracking – 27%
Selective breeding– 23%

This research of 2,000 Brits was commissioned by Hello Hydrogen and conducted by Perspectus Global in August 2024.

The Majority of Brits are Still Baffled by Environmental Terms 2

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