Spring might be in full swing, and summer’s knocking on the door, but if you’ve been putting off the big clean and started to see the space in your home disappearing before your very eyes, don’t worry; there’s still time.

The modern world is, in the main, one built upon materialism, with people craving more, whether they genuinely need it or not. You only need to turn on your TV to experience a bombardment of programmes and adverts saying you must have this or that. And given the stresses and pressures that go hand in hand with today’s world, many people jump at the chance to buy something, whether they need it or not, simply to make themselves feel better.

The upshot is a house full of things that most people rarely use, causing many to embark on decluttering exercises. This is becoming increasingly popular in Britain, and data shows that 93% of households invest their time in a major spring cleaning exercise at least once a year.

There is never a wrong time to start a decluttering journey, and to help you, the team at Fischer Future Heat has provided us with a list of the top areas to help it that little bit less stressful and maximise your space, ensuring that you can enjoy the glorious summer months to the maximum!

When was the last time you saw the back of your kitchen cupboards? Who knows what’s lurking in the depths of the fridge? We’d wager it’s been quite a while.

Take a deep dive and sort out all those out-of-date cans, noodles, and old rice packets to see if they can still be used.

Keeping a meal plan is a good way to not fall back into old habits, but be wary of overfilling the freezer instead of the fridge in its place.

It’s not just food that’s a cluttering culprit; remember those old appliances you used once and never again? The juicer, the electric vegetable cutter, that air fryer. If they haven’t been used in a good few months, there is a good chance they won’t be needed in the short term. Watch how much extra space will appear by cutting loose a couple of unwanted items.

The wardrobe is often neglected as part of a major decluttering exercise. It can be difficult to throw away that top, very likely to have been the thing to have ten years ago but probably hasn’t seen the light of day in the past eight years. But the time has come.

Rummaging through your wardrobe and taking any old or unwanted clothes to the local charity shop will do wonders for your space and mind, and you never know, you might end up discovering an old gem you completely forgot about.

Purging your bedroom of excess items can also improve your quality of sleep. Any finished books, cups, and electronic devices should be left in the living room, leaving you with minimal space for maximum sleep.

Many modern properties lack storage space, with some only having one cupboard or another taken up by a big, bulky water tank.

Maximising any space in your home is a game-changer because, let’s face it, whether we like it or not, we all accumulate a lot of stuff over time. Removing a water tank and modernising your hot water set-up with compact options like electric water heating is how to reclaim your space. The systems are small enough to make full use of any previously neglected airing cupboards and pack a punch.

Remember to invest in storage containers and the luxury of vacuum-sealed bags for any seasonal bedding will have you complaining about having too much space! (And you won’t need to start from scratch again in six months!)

It wouldn’t be a (late) spring clean without any actual cleaning.

Sorting out old items gives the perfect opportunity to clean those nooks and crannies that might be missed in daily life. The tops of cabinets, the back of the fridge, the top of the fridge, shelves, and crumbs in the kitchen drawers are all small wins that can add up.

Don’t forget one of the most important tips: Always clean from the top down.

Finally, Don’t Stress
It can feel daunting, but a deep, thorough declutter isn’t supposed to take ten minutes to complete.

Lean into the process and have some fun with it. Find an old playlist or make a new one, try making up games with the family, create a checklist and don’t stress!

Finding even a tiny bit of enjoyment makes the whole exercise much easier mentally and physically. A recent survey found that 60% of participants felt mentally boosted after a period of cleaning.