Get Garden Ready This Autumn to Help it to Spring into Action in 2024Get Garden Ready This Autumn to Help it to Spring into Action in 2024

As the weather starts to turn colder, it may feel that there is not much to do in your garden, greenhouse or glasshouse. But the first months of autumn offer a useful window of preparation and, if used wisely, can ensure you and your garden are prepared for whatever the winter weather holds. We look at various steps you can take to make your garden bloom once again come spring 2024.

Early autumn vegetable patch
Generally speaking, plants use more water in the warmer summer months and less in the cooler winter months. The end of September is the time to reduce watering as temperatures drop, so you will benefit from more time to tend to other important garden tasks. This is the time to take semi-ripe cuttings from tender plants for overwintering.

Indeed, most hardy herbs can be grown under cover through winter, so if you have a glasshouse, it’s a bonus. One of the benefits of a glasshouse is an extended cropping season, so it’s worth putting extra for this purpose.

There is plenty to do in the vegetable patch with the changing season. If you are fortunate enough to own or have access to a greenhouse, remove individual leaves around aubergines, tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers and begin composting those that have finished cropping to create more space. This helps capture more sunlight and improves air circulation around the remaining plants.

If you want to start a vegetable patch ready for next year, now is the time to sow vegetables for overwintering to mature next spring. These can include turnip, spinach, onion, garlic and winter lettuce.

Flowers during autumn and winter
One of the delights of having a greenhouse is to produce out-of-season flowers. By providing extra warmth, plants that are normally dormant during early autumn and winter months can be ‘woken early’ and will look their best several months ahead of those grown naturally outdoors.

A woman watering some flowers in her greenhouse in AutumnA woman watering some flowers in her greenhouse in Autumn

Even if you don’t own a greenhouse, there are still some flowers you can grow that will flourish. Start by planting spring flowering bulbs in borders and containers such as narcissus and alliums. Tulip bulbs should be planted in November when the soil temperature has cooled down.

As a guide, bulbs should be planted three times their height and two bulbs apart. This will help protect the bulb from cold weather and prevent the fully formed flower from becoming unstable in poor weather. Do continue to water container plants, though, to ensure that they do not dry out.

Autumn cleaning
Along with spring, autumn provides a natural opportunity to do some essential garden cleaning, keeping your most treasured gardening space looking beautiful and functioning efficiently.

Rake leaf litter from lawns and borders to make homemade leaf mould. It is an excellent soil improver, and applying a thick mulch to the bed will not only help the area look smarter but will help retain moisture. As the mulch breaks down over the winter months, the nutrients will help replenish the soil.

Those with greenhouses can tidy them by cleaning them both inside and out. Begin by cleaning the windows of your Greenhouse, not forgetting to pay attention to the individual frames. You can remove moss from overlapping panes with an old kitchen knife or plant label. As the temperatures outside drop, so too do those inside the greenhouse. So check your greenhouse heater to ensure it works before the onset of cold weather.

Gardening attire
Wearing the right gardening attire can make time spent carrying out the chores a lot more comfortable and pleasurable. Opt for a garden outfit that is loose, airy and durable because gardening requires whole-body movement like digging, roto-tilling, hoeing, raking and mowing.

But you don’t have to head out and buy any specialist gear. Think of loose-fitting pants or shorts and roomie t-shirts, as the weather can be unpredictable. Think of layering up with a light jacket or a fleece top. A hoodie like the Columbia Backbowl Lite Half Zip Fleece is ideal as it will allow you to take it on or off depending on the temperature and offers a comfortable range of motion.

Shoes are important too, not only for comfort but also practically. A garden clobber is best, but if you don’t own one, sandals can be worn too, as long as you’re not using machinery or equipment like a rake that can potentially cause injury.

A webbing sandal such as the Men’s Breaksider by Columbia will ensure comfort and grip with the option of adjustable hook and loop straps for a good fit. Plus, your feet will get an airing as they can get sweaty when you’re working hard.

Gardening as natures’ medicine
Gardening has a plethora of benefits, as we have noted above, and it also can reduce stress and anxiety. Many people struggle with mild or major depression or mental health challenges during autumn due to the crippling effect of the winter blues. But when you venture outdoors in nature, it helps to halt the daily grind and can boost your overall sense of well-being.

Gardening can also help you remain fit by building strength. Cultivation engages all the major muscle groups, such as the arms, legs, shoulders, back and abdomen. The activity also improves mobility, and experts say it’s a comparable workout to walking or Pilates.

All the necessary digging, planting, mowing, raking and weeding torches calories, too. Shoulders, arms and biceps will start taking shape while raking, forking and mowing while digging and squatting down to move or lift objects can help tone thighs, glutes and abs.

Come spring 2024, you’ll not only be fit and healthy but will have a spectacular garden to enjoy and admire your fruits of labour.

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