Luxurious Magazine Puts the Gtech Pro Cordless Vacuum To the TestLuxurious Magazine Puts the Gtech Pro Cordless Vacuum To the Test

Paul and Natasha Godbold embrace the future with the Gtech Pro cordless vacuum cleaner. In this review, they are introduced to a new way of cleaning and provide detailed feedback with no strings (or cords) attached!

Given that I now have a lot more time on my hands, I decided it was time to polish off my cleaning skills which were honed over many years before I married my wife. Nowadays, the thought of vacuuming the house is quite alien to me, opting to leave it to Natasha. Yes, I know, I shouldn’t be relying on my wife to do the cleaning, and I agree. However, the cleaning duties in the Godbold household are purely down to personal choice, i.e. my wife enjoys it, and I do not!

For the past few years, we’ve been using a Dyson, and our go-to vacuum has been their highly popular Big Ball Animal.

The name Animal is perfect for it; it’s squat, bulky-looking, quite heavy and in my opinion, overly noisy. On the times I have had to use it, I’ve found it to be efficient. There was no obvious enjoyment aside from the feeling that something needed to be done and the Animal helped me to achieve this. Thus, one chore ticked off the list.

Gtech Pro cordless vacuum cleaner.Gtech Pro cordless vacuum cleaner.
Gtech Pro cordless vacuum cleaner.

However, my thoughts on vacuuming somewhat changed when I took delivery of the G-Tech Pro…

Who is Gtech?
Grey Technology Ltd which trades under the name Gtech is a British design and manufacturing company based in Worcestershire. It was founded almost 20 years ago by its Managing Director Nick Grey and employ more than 100 people.

The company’s first product was a cordless floor sweeper which launched in 2002. Since then they’ve gone onto to develop a wide range of award-winning products, one of which is the Gtech Pro which is the subject of this review.

What is the Gtech Pro?
The Gtech Pro is a lightweight cordless vacuum cleaner with a rotating brush. It is sleek in its design due to its utilising a stick. The Pro is surprisingly light weighing in just 2.4 kgs and will even have you flexing your muscles and lifting it above your head to get rid of any cobwebs on the ceiling, providing you with an upper-body workout at the same time. It has an eye-catching design and this bagged cordless product is nifty enough to reach every corner and crevice thinkable.

Special features
If you are a bit messy or have furry pets, this vacuum is ideal. Although it doesn’t have any tools onboard, the motorised brush is durable enough to zap up annoying hairs and suck up dust. The dirt is compressed and continually pushed down, giving the bag added capacity. Add to that, with no cords or socket changing to hold you back; there’s no temptation for said pets to get tangled with loose wires or indeed chew on them.

Transform the Gtech Pro into a handheld mini vacuumTransform the Gtech Pro into a handheld mini vacuum

Another feature I enjoyed was the option to transform it into a handheld mini vacuum much like the dedicated car vacuums you see for sale but with the advantage of some true power. This made cleaning the interior of a car incredibly simple and smaller areas where you don’t want a pole getting in the way were dealt with in an instant.

We found the run time on turbo-mode to be around 30 minutes and takes just four hours to charge. It’s ideal for cleaning the average house from top to bottom in one sweep. Unless you’re like me and want to turn it into a fun-filled vacuuming expedition.

How did it perform?
For someone who is not a big fan of vacuuming, I was pleasantly surprised. Perhaps it was the novelty of a new gadget that grabbed my interest. But whatever it was, I got into the swing of it. Easy to put together and to operate, I first tackled the hard flooring on the ground level. Within seconds, I immersed myself into the task at hand as I found myself following the lined section of the wooden planks scrutinising every bit of dust the vacuum collected. Having turned it into a mindfulness task, I was fully engrossed at the vacuum’s performance of picking up dust.

It saved tons of time not having to move the plug from socket to socket, and I loved how easy it was to be able to get under the furniture. As for corners and crevices, there wasn’t a speck of dust to be found when I had finished downstairs. Although we don’t have pets, it’s easy to see it would score high points on collecting pet hairs from this kind of surface.

Unfortunately, the Gtech Pro wasn’t quite as brilliant when it came to the carpet test. The machine was a little difficult to manoeuvre on a thick pile rug and seemed to drag due to the powerful suction. As a result, it didn’t collect the dust in a single sweep like it did on the hard floors and a bit more forward and backwards movement was necessary.

The Gtech Pro’s bag has an impressive capacity of 1.5L. This means it can suck up a lot of dirt before it’s time to change the bag—one less chore to be constantly worried about. No one likes to take the bins out weekly let alone empty a vacuum bag.

Overall, the Gtech has lived up to its expectations and proved to be a good performer. It scored particularly well on the hard wooden floors and was great for getting into all the nooks and crannies dirt likes to harbour in. And you can feel powerful by lifting it to ceilings thanks to it being extremely light.

Final Word
There is always an almost indescribable pleasure in using a product which is technologically, so far ahead from what you’ve been used to. Although I am not a fan of vacuuming, my opinion has completely changed, and it is now a pleasure.

With a flick of the wrist, the head of the Gtech Pro turned left or right. The inner-child in me found it huge fun manoeuvring around the furniture and driving the vacuum head into tricky to reach places. At no point using the Gtech Pro did it seem like a chore.

The lightweight and flexibility of the Gtech Pro was a revelation. The thought which had gone into the manufacturing and user experience was obvious and resulted in a product which lives up to its claims.

The Gtech Pro is a great easy-to-use stick vacuum cleaner and is definitely a product I would recommend. I’d even go as far as saying I now consider myself to be a fully-paid up fan of the household cleaning club. Given I’ve only been acquainted with it for a week, I’d say it’s a worthy investment for any long-suffering partner having to tackle the task single-handedly!

Gtech Pro – Where and how?

The Gtech Pro retails at £179.99, For more information on tackling a variety of floor surfaces as well as the Gtech Pro, visit

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