Hair Veda, The Eco-friendly Hair Care Brand Rooted in Indian TraditionHair Veda, The Eco-friendly Hair Care Brand Rooted in Indian Tradition

Being sustainable and going organic are two aspects of modern-day life that vast swathes of the world, where possible, are trying to embrace. Using products that are kind to the planet and natural is, for many, the only way forward, and one brand that is helping people to do this is Hair Veda.

Finding ways to help the planet is vital as we need to be constantly reminded that we share this world with other lifeforms and we have a duty to protect the habitat for the good of all. Sadly, many businesses tend to cut corners in pursuit of filthy lucre, introducing a multitude of chemicals into their wares that find their way into the environment and our bodies on a daily basis.

Most people are unlikely to take a close look at the ingredients on the back or sides of the beauty products they use; if they did, they’d probably be shocked by the seemingly endless list of unpronounceable names, which might not seem too harmful now but may well be with improvements in scientific testing and once more long term medical studies are completed.

It’s my opinion that people need, where possible, to try only to use products that contain ingredients that they are familiar with and, if possible, ingredients born from nature. It’s why we wanted to write about Hair Veda, as they are a brand that operates in line with my values, and they go to great efforts to ensure that what they do is done sustainably.

Aneeka Chauhan holding a bottle of the oil she developedAneeka Chauhan holding a bottle of the oil she developedThe brand is the brainchild of Aneeka Chauhan, who was searching for a way to resolve her husband’s hair loss through Alopecia Areata and help alleviate the anxiety he was experiencing.

She created Hair Veda, which is a natural, organic hair oil that uses the power of nature. The oil is rooted in the core healing principles of Ayurveda and traditional Indian hair oiling, and incredibly, Aneeka claims it was able to restore her husband’s hair within just two months of use.

Hair Veda’s aim is to improve and maintain hair health for everyone, especially those suffering from hair loss, and its ethos as a company is one of sustainable, organic produce.

As is plainly obvious from my earlier ‘rant’ on chemical ingredients, I am no fan of the. Fortunately, all of the ingredients used by Hair Veda are organic and natural, and they are created with minimal processing. In addition, they are also vegan and cruelty-free.

Aneeka said, “I am so committed to reducing the use of plastic, I wanted to be a completely plastic-free company; however, there are two things we couldn’t avoid; one is that our dropper lids have a plastic cap so it can screw the bottle tight and two the bottles are safety sealed with a plastic heat neck shrink.

Apart from this, we make sure that all other products used are not made from plastic like our packaging, amber frosted glass, kraft shipping boxes, tape and shredded paper, and we always ensure we research and choose a non-plastic alternative.”

Let’s take a look at some of the company’s current products:

The hair oil on a metal tray with slices of fruitThe hair oil on a metal tray with slices of fruit

Avani is a hair oil that will transform your locks
The hair oil offers the benefit of six organic and natural essential oils that promote regrowth, repair, and strength. Using the oil will make the hair thicker and grow faster, and its anti-bacterial properties can help improve scalp health.

Sabal is an extra-strength hair growth oil with a powerful secret ingredient: Garlic.
This natural remedy is packed with amazing vitamins and possesses antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties to boost growth. It may have a certain smell, but this hair oil will make up for that with its incredible results.

The Neem Wood Hair Comb
Crafted from the sustainable wood of the Neem tree, Hair Veda’s comb is carbon-based, like your hair and skin, which makes it anti-bacterial and hypo-allergenic. The wood helps to prevent greasiness and also works wonders for your scalp.

Get ready for healthier, more gorgeous hair.

You can learn more about Hair Veda on their website,

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