Rid Yourself of that Stress With Hatter's New Hemp CBD-infused TeasRid Yourself of that Stress With Hatter's New Hemp CBD-infused Teas

Britain is a nation of tea lovers and has always turned to a cuppa to help reduce stress and help with relaxation. Recently, Hatter’s unveiled a new range of vegan-friendly Hemp CBD-infused Teas which could be the perfect antidote for people feeling anxious in these current times.

“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”

The above words came from C.S. Lewis and have since been echoed by many generations of Brits. From a relaxing cuppa to intense debates about the colour of the brew, tea has and does form an essential part of Briton’s conversations.

To meet such demand, Hatter’s Hemp Tea has launched a brand new range of CBD-infused teas in an effort to help feed Britain’s appetite for a cuppa whilst also bringing the anxiety and stress-reducing benefits of hemp to the nation.

Hatter’s new range of Hemp CBD-infused Teas is available in four flavours. These are Lemongrass & Rosehip Boost, English Breakfast, Chamomile and Green. All these include the benefits of CBD from the 50% hemp makeup of the tea bag.

Hatters Lemongrass & Rosehip Boost and English Breakfast teasHatters Lemongrass & Rosehip Boost and English Breakfast teas

It has come as welcome news that despite the outbreak of COVID-19 and its subsequent effect on global trade, business has remained as usual for the tea industry. As a recognised nation of tea lovers, Brits, on average, consume an incredible 165 million cups a day.

With many of us isolating, demand for tea has soared in the UK. Having far more time on our hands, we Brits are now reaching for the kettle more than ever before.

This increased appetite has encouraged tea manufacturers to innovate Britain’s favourite drink even more and in doing so, help us to relax during these difficult times.

The four new flavours launched by Hatter’s follow on from a hugely successful soft launch period of their vegan-friendly tea. This was Holland & Barrett’s fastest-selling tea for 2020, with 25,000 boxes sold in the first month. All of Hatter’s hemp teas are now available both in-store and online.

Simon Manthorpe, CEO and Founder of Hatter’s Hemp Tea, comments on the launch: “Britain is a nation of tea lovers, and with Hatter’s Hemp Tea, we are committed to providing everyone in the UK with a range of great-tasting teas with the added benefits of CBD. Given the circumstances surrounding coronavirus, we believe that now is a great time to launch our hemp tea to help a nation of tea drinkers reduce their anxiety and enjoy some relaxation.

“Through a long process of product development and working with some of the finest specialists in their field, we crafted a range of flavours that balance well with the naturally earthy notes of hemp.

“This means that the delicate flavours of Chamomile, for example, have not been lost. In addition, across the four flavours on offer, no added flavouring has been added, but each flavour contains 50% hemp, so you will still enjoy those natural hemp notes.”