Currently, the UK is facing a bit of a dilemma. The good news is lockdown restrictions are easing, and socialising appears to be (fingers crossed) back on the agenda. The only problem is the weather is not playing ball. Could ISAWITFIRST’s Honcho be the solution to the problem?

Every now and again, Paul tells us about one of his new ideas, which have ranged from a bowler hat with sleeves to a belt made from padlocks. When we were informed of the Honcho, it seemed to have Paul’s stamp all over it. However, and fortunately for the public, it’s nothing to do with him, and the more you read about it, the more it makes sense.

It’s common knowledge that bright sunshine has as many negatives as it does positives. On the one hand, it helps to produce essential vitamins; on the other hand, it can play havoc with one’s skin. So when it comes to hats, we find the best rule of thumb is the bigger, the better, and ISAWITFIRST’s Honcho certainly fits the bill!

Let’s head back to the British weather. As mentioned at the beginning of this article, the weather has been awful. Although we’re in the middle of May, it’s rained, and it’s been cold, which has caused many to scoff at the idea of global warming.

Seeing an obvious gap in the market, the fashion brand has introduced an oversized brim straw hat with a very special feature.

Along with the hat comes a removable poncho, and this, in combination with the hat, means that you’ll be well prepared for whatever the British weather has in store. A further benefit of the hat/poncho combo is it makes social distancing easy; in fact, it’s probably an ideal product for both sexes to wear when out and about!

Leanne Holmes, ISAWITFIRST’s Brand Director, said: “We have a wide variety of clothes and accessories for whatever the weather; however, the British climate can be very unpredictable no matter what the season – especially in our brand’s hometown of Manchester.

“We wanted to create a product that our customers can enjoy in sunlight and showers, so they can look and feel great, whilst crucially staying dry. We’ve already seen a massive demand for this unique bespoke product across our site and social channels, so we expect this to be a staple item seen in beer gardens across the country.”

There has been an overwhelmingly positive response following the unveiling of the Honcho. To place an order for one, visit ISAWITFIRST’s website and grab it as the exclusive offer price of £30 down from £60.