James Mayo of SOS Hydration Explains How to Hydrate Like A ProJames Mayo of SOS Hydration Explains How to Hydrate Like A Pro

We chat to James Mayo, CEO of SOS Hydration, a new science-backed electrolyte powder that’s designed to increase hydration, so you can work, exercise and play at the top of your game.

It’s a well-researched fact that dehydration negatively impacts performance. Being just the slightest bit dehydrated brings on all kinds of unpleasant side effects, like brain fog, headaches and dizziness.

Electrolyte drinks, powders and gels are a great way of keeping your hydration levels topped up so you can reach peak performance. They’re not just for pro cyclists and ultra-marathon runners – everyone should be looking out for their hydration levels.

SOS Hydration is one of the newest electrolytes to land. This medically developed electrolyte powder is designed to help you avoid dehydration once and for all. Impressively, it claims to be “as effective as an IV drip” but in drinkable form. What’s more, it allows your body to absorb 3x more water than drinking water alone.

It’s different to the majority of electrolyte products in that it’s low in calories and low in sugar, at only 25 calories per sachet.

SOS Hydration helps you to reach peak physical and mental performance while you swim, ride or run. It can even help you recover from jet lag, illnesses and the dreaded hangover.

We chatted to CEO, co-founder and former pro track runner James Mayo, to find out more about this revolutionary new electrolyte product.

Luxurious Magazine: Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your background?
James Mayo: I’m a former pro track runner and a veteran who, together with my wife (a board-certified physician) and my brother, came up with SOS because we didn’t like the high sugar sports drinks and the oral rehydration solutions that are out there.

LM: How did the concept of SOS Hydration come about? What inspired your idea?
James Mayo: I was in a winery in Sonoma with my wife and brother talking about the issues we had with dehydration when running while we were serving in the military.

My wife, Dr. Blanca, was a trainee surgeon back when we launched and she treated patients with oral rehydration solution (ORS), a formula that was developed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) over 50 years ago to combat dehydration in cholera patients that has now been commercialized by several brands like Liquid IV, Hydrant and Drip Drop.

The problem with that formula is that it has too much sugar and is designed to treat sickness. So Dr. Blanca set about formulating an advanced oral rehydration solution that tasted good and is high in electrolytes but low in sugar.

Athlete holding up packets of SOS HydrationAthlete holding up packets of SOS Hydration

LM: What sets SOS Hydration apart from other electrolyte powders and tablets?
James Mayo: SOS is an advanced oral rehydration solution (ORS). In independent 3rd party testing, SOS ranked as the drink with the lowest osmolarity – speed of absorption – by a minimum of 50%.

An ORS is designed for diarrhoea and vomiting. SOS is designed for active lifestyles because our electrolyte balance has been formulated specifically for well people, not just marketed that way. SOS is lower in sugar but high in electrolytes. It also dissolves quickly in your glass.

Compared to tablets, SOS has about two to three times the electrolytes, and a tablet takes almost as long as I could run a mile to dissolve. Plus, if it is fizzing in your cup, what’s it doing in your gut?

LM: Can you tell us about the development of the product?
James Mayo: Dr. Blanca took proven medical science (the WHO ORS formula) and married it with sports science, using her experience of gastroenterology to develop something that’s light on the gut and the correct balance of electrolytes. She’s now an advanced fellow gastroenterology and transplant hepatology at the Mayo Clinic.

LM: How did you test it?
James Mayo: Sports teams and independent research. Initially, I was the guinea pig to get the formula how we wanted it.

LM: When’s best to take SOS Hydration? Before, during or after exercise?
James Mayo: All three, as well as a daily drink. Think of SOS as the foundations to your day. If you start hydrated, you will not suffer from cognitive or physical decline (up to 25% can be lost from dehydration). If the workout will last less than an hour, drink SOS before the workout. If it’s longer or it’s a super-hot day like here in Arizona, then drink before and during with some after.

LM: Lots of brands are moving to sustainable production methods. Can you tell us more about what steps SOS Hydration is taking to do its bit?
James Mayo: SOS packaging is transitioning to compostable sticks this month, and the box is already recyclable. We believe in clean ingredients and clean packaging.

LM: And lastly, we’d love to hear what’s next for the brand?
James Mayo: Coming out at the end of July is a ready-to-drink version – basically 12 sticks of SOS in a 16oz bottle with added vitamins B6, B12, C, D, and folic acid. A great start to your day.

SOS Hydration – Where & How?

For more information or to buy SOS Hydration products, go to https://ukstore.soshydration.com/

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