The Living Equestrian Art at Morocco's Selman Marrakech Luxury HotelThe Living Equestrian Art at Morocco's Selman Marrakech Luxury Hotel

Many hotels incorporate nature into their offerings, but very few can rival what the Selman Marrakech has on its grounds. Morocco’s renowned luxury hotel is home to one of nature’s most beautiful creations, Arabian thoroughbred horses.

In this timeless setting, every moment is enhanced by the presence of sublime Arabian thoroughbred horses, symbols of the greatness of a civilisation, inviting every guest to indulge in the unique culture and soul of the exceptional Selman Marrakech.

‘Selman’ was the original sire of a line of purebred horses, and the owners of Selman Marrakech, a Moroccan family, have chosen to recreate this awe-inspiring equine lineage as well as bringing back the golden age of Moroccan culture within the property.

One of the white horses having fun by the hotel fountainOne of the white horses having fun by the hotel fountain

Originally from Saudi Arabia, Arabian thoroughbreds were introduced to Morocco in the 7th-century. Selman’s private breeding programme is unique, and many of the horses have won prestigious international prizes.

One of the horses with a trainerOne of the horses with a trainer

The hotel works alongside the School of Equestrian Arts of Marrakech to offer dressage and liberty experience to students and participation in equestrian shows within the hotel gardens.

The School was founded to promote the diverse uses of Berber and Arab-Berber breeds, Morocco’s emblematic horse, and train young Moroccans in the disciplines of classical dressage, aerobatics, and liberty.

Guests can visit the magnificent stables designed by Jacques Garcia, and the grooms take pleasure in showing off the beautiful horses around the hotel grounds. During their stay, guests will also have the chance to watch young artists train.

Every Sunday, guests are invited to the famous brunch at Le Pavillon, in the heart of the hotel’s lush gardens, whilst a parade of Arabian thoroughbreds perform and show off for them. Revel in the beauty and grace of these magnificent stallions whilst tasting fine local specialities and international dishes.

For more information on the hotel and its facilities, visit

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