We Review the Lumie Dash, a Device that Brings Light and Hope to Dark Days

We Review the Lumie Dash, a Device that Brings Light and Hope to Dark Days

Lumie is a British company that has built an enviable reputation in the health and wellness sector thanks to its range of lighting products. These products have been proven to be extremely effective in reducing the negative impacts of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Recently, the company unveiled its latest innovation, the Lumie Dash. In this review feature, we put it to the test and discuss how it will benefit you.

The shorter days are becoming very evident here in the UK, and with this comes fewer opportunities to top up on essential vitamins in the body, which are necessary for mental and physical health. Many will sail through the darker days; however, others will find it more challenging, particularly those who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

What is Seasonal Affective Disorder?
SAD is an often glossed-over condition that can bring with it a range of debilitating symptoms. I use the words glossed over as those fortunate not to suffer from it often make light of it, referring to it as the “Winter blues”, telling those suffering with it that it’s “All in their mind”.

A man in front of his computer lacking enthusiasm for work

SAD is a very real condition, and among its symptoms are a persistent low mood, lack of energy, loss of appetite, irritability, increased sleep and difficulty waking up due to a disrupted circadian rhythm.

Establishing how many people suffer from SAD in the UK is difficult. A study published by Cambridge University Press in 2018 estimates that it is probably around 2-3% of the population. However, the percentage is likely to be significantly larger, perhaps double, as in the UK, many adopt a “Get on with it” attitude when feeling “off colour”, meaning that 100s thousands of cases are going undiagnosed.

Compounding the undiagnosed issue is that, in recent times, there has been what can be described as a breakdown in trust between patients and the medical profession, which stems from a growing distrust of the pharmaceutical industry.

Many people will likely avoid a visit to the doctor for what they consider to be less urgent issues to avoid being prescribed pills and medications, opting instead for non-pharmaceutical self-treatments, which is where companies such as Lumie and its Dash lamp come to the forefront.

A woman using the light in front or a mirror

About The Lumie Dash
The Lumie Dash is a portable version of the Lumie Task Lamp, a product I reviewed a little over a year ago. My experience of the Task Lamp was so illuminating (excuse the pun) that it prompted me to write, “The Lumie Task Lamp is far and away the best lamp I have experienced.

“Before trying it, I was sceptical about how beneficial it could be, but after trying it, I am convinced.” And since writing this, I have, without fail, used the lamp every day.

What wowed me with the Task Lamp is that it is an incredibly effective tool. Like many, I will often wake up in the morning, still feeling like I am half asleep. But when I get in front of the Task Lamp, it’s like someone has flipped a switch inside of me, and within no time at all, the chemicals in my brain seem to rearrange themselves into the correct order, instantly boosting my mood.

Lumie clearly realised that with their desk lamp, they had created something special, which is why they’ve taken its best features and put them into the Lumie Dash.

A photograph comparing the head of the lamp with the new light

Lumie Dash Design and Features
The Lumie Dash is essentially the head section of the Task Lamp, which has been placed at an angle on a stand/base.

It is virtually identical in size to the lamp’s head, at 18cm x 19cm, and boasts the same 10,000 lux bright light output. However, to my eyes, the Lumie Dash light output seemed a tad more intense when both were at their maximum settings.

An artist using the light to help mix paints

The Dash’s small size makes it ideal for transporting in a handbag or a satchel. Another positive is that it weighs a smidgen over 400 grams (excluding the plug), so carrying it to work won’t be a problem.

The Lumie Dash is designed for maximum visual comfort, and I can attest to this: While using it, there’s never been the slightest hint of tired eyes or strain when I sit in front of my screen.

Another positive aspect of the company’s clever technology is that the extremely bright light it emits doesn’t produce excessive glare. In fact, it seems to make what I am looking at on a screen or monitor considerably clearer.

The Dash has twenty light settings, which can be scrolled through via a touch system, denoted by plus and minus symbols on the base. Scrolling to the maximum light setting just involves keeping a finger on the + symbol. It takes approximately one second to reach its full intensity, which could be the reason for the Dash name.

In addition to the 10,000 lux LED technology, the Lumie Dash boasts a colour rendering index value of CRI-95+, which results in exceptional colour fidelity. This brings us to another benefit: the Dash’s multiple light settings ensure perfect lighting for video calls, live streaming, or recording oneself via video.

Key Features of the Lumie Dash

  • 10,000 Lux at 15cm
    Dash closely mimics the brightness and intensity of natural daylight to alleviate symptoms of winter blues, increase daytime alertness and improve sleep quality.
  • Visual Comfort
    Gentle on the eyes, Dash allows you to see objects, colours, and textures as they really are. It features premium, broad-spectrum LED technology with an exceptional colour rendering index value of CRI-95+.
  • Multiple Functions
    As well as delivering bright light therapy, the Dash light provides appearance-enhancing illumination for video calls and allows for close-up work with minimised eye strain.
  • Extensive Brightness Options
    It features intuitive tactile controls that enable the brightness of the light to be effortlessly adjusted.
  • Portability
    Measuring just 18cm x 19cm, the mood-boosting powers of Dash can be carried with you

The light in both its colours

Final Thoughts
I’d describe the Dash Light as a wolf in sheep’s clothing. It might not be the flashiest-looking piece of tech, but beneath its small and discrete body is a powerhouse, health-boosting light system that I found very effective. I heartily recommend it to anyone who suffers from SAD and even those who, from time to time, feel less than their best during the colder, darker days.

Visit https://www.lumie.com for more information on the Lumie Dash (RRP: £179) and to make a purchase.

The light being used during an office meetingWe Review the Lumie Dash, a Device that Brings Light and Hope to Dark Days 2

Paul Godbold

Founder, Editor-in-Chief

Paul is the owner and editor-in-chief of Luxurious Magazine. He previously worked as a fashion model, was in the British Army and created companies in the technology, venture capital and financial services sectors. In addition to writing, he also proofs, edits, designs, lays out and publishes all the articles in the online magazine. Paul is a full member of the Chartered Institute of Journalists.

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