Luxe Watches, a purveyor of superior timepiece brands, has produced a watch cleaning kit to maintain your pride and joy. Jeremy Webb gets some handy tips from the company’s experts and tests out the cleaning kit on his ever-growing collection.

If you own a watch, you want to keep it looking good so you can see the time, date and other information. If your watch is a prestigious brand, then you especially want to maintain its appearance. It is incredible how quickly a timepiece can lose its sheen and clarity due to everyday factors such as sweat, dust, grime and the environment.

These all play havoc with watches, particularly if worn frequently. Luxe watches has a new cleaning kit that includes everything you need to keep your beloved Rolex or Patek in tip-top condition.

Even though watches are made from hard materials like Gold, Platinum and Stainless Steel, they can be scuffed, so you should introduce a regular schedule to clean yours. It stops the watch from dulling, keeping it looking good and maintaining its value.

To restore and revive the leather straps, there is a special cleaner. You have a Microfibre cleaning cloth for general wiping and a cleaning brush. For applying the specialised watch cleaning solution, there is a polishing cloth.

Luxe Watches has produced a guide to cleaning both types of watch straps.

Metal Watch Strap
Before you begin, ensure any tiny screws and crowns are tightened.

Use the dry Luxe Watches microfibre cleaning cloth to remove any dust or dirt from the bracelet. As it’s wiped over the watch surface, it creates a static charge that attracts dirt to the cloth until it’s washed. If any residue remains, you can wet the cloth to take away any last bits of dirt.

The specialised watch cleaning solution should be poured into a small bowl. Use enough to fully submerge your watch for 15 minutes to cleanse it thoroughly.

The cleaning brush will help you get to grips with any dirt in any awkward places, for example, between links in the bracelet or around the crown.

Use the watch polishing cloth for a final buff to give your watch a super sheen. This is the cloth you need to leave sparkling.

Leather Straps
Leather can look old and deteriorate quickly due to sweat, dead skin cells, dust, dirt or body oil. Whilst it’s likely that a leather watch strap will need changing at some point, a regular cleaning with the leather ‘restore & revive’ cleaner can also extend its lifespan.

The new cleaning kit contains a natural and organic leather restoring and reviving balm, which enhances the look and prolongs the feel of the leather whilst also adding a waterproof coating.

A slight touch on your microfibre cloth will enhance the lustre of the leather, bringing it back to life.

I found the watching cleaning kit from Luxe Watches a handy piece of equipment. Although I don’t own a Rolex or Audemars Piguet, I do cherish my collection and like them to look good and function well. Like a car has to have regular maintenance, you should look after your watches and use the best products you can. The Luxe Watches cleaning kit items are of good quality and do their job well, which is all you can ask of a purchase.

Personally, being the type of man I am, I would source and buy the items within the kit separately for my own collection and save myself some money. However, if you’re stuck on what to buy someone, it would make a lovely present for any watch fan.

Luxe Watches Essential Kit – Where and How?

The new Luxe Watches essential kit, priced at £38.95, is available online and from Luxe Watches Epping-based boutique. You can learn more on their website,

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