New Research by Nourished Reveals Britain’s Hidden Modern Diet Epidemic

New Research by Nourished Reveals Britain's Hidden Modern Diet Epidemic

Nourished has released alarming new data today highlighting a surge in poor diet and malnutrition across the UK, with over half (57%) of Brits reporting a decline in their diet and nutrition in the past decade. This growing crisis is particularly acute among younger generations and is compounded by increasing pressures to lose weight through unhealthy measures such as crash diets, weight loss supplements and injections.

According to the new study, young adults (18-24) are the hardest hit, with 69% admitting to poor diet and nutrition, followed by 57% of 25-34 and 56% of 35 to 44-year-olds. Regional disparities are stark, with Scotland (64%) and the North East and West Midlands (63%) experiencing significant diet shifts due to rising food costs.

Per city, those living in Portsmouth struggle the most, with eight in 10 (82%), followed by Glasgow at 72% and Coventry, Liverpool, Norwich, and Worcester all equally at 71%. In the new poll, almost half (45%) of those surveyed admitted to rarely or never considering the nutritional value of the food they eat.

Over half (53%) of Brits are instead prioritising convenience and cost over nutritional value. 27% admit speed and ease of preparation are key factors driving their decision about the food they eat. Cost is also crucial, with 26% listing this as their top reason for food choices.

Only Baby Boomers (65 and over) are likely to choose nutritional value regardless of cost, with 46% admitting this is the key factor driving their decisions about what they eat.

35- —to 44-year-olds are least likely to prioritise the nutritional value of their diet, with just over a quarter (28%) citing this as the main driver for food choices. This age group is also the most likely to opt for speed and ease of preparation over anything else, with over a third admitting this is their top priority when choosing what to eat (37%).

18-24 –24-year-olds are feeling the pinch the most from rising food costs, with 40% admitting price as the lead factor driving their food choices.

According to the British Dietetic Association (BDA), malnutrition in the UK is a pervasive issue affecting millions. The economic burden is colossal, with an estimated annual cost of £19.6 billion in England alone. This figure reflects the increased healthcare needs, longer hospital stays, and the exacerbation of other health conditions linked to malnutrition.

The Weight of Societal Pressure
Adding to this concern is the fact that 40% of people feel pressured to lose weight, with 21% attempting crash diets, 13% using weight loss supplements, and 6% opting for weight loss injections.

Younger generations (58% of 18-24-year-olds) and women (49%) feel the pressure more acutely, with those living in Northern Ireland and Wales reporting the highest levels of weight loss pressure, at 54% and 51%, respectively.

35 –44-year-olds are the most likely to try crash dieting to lose weight, with 31% admitting to trying quick-fix diets as a way to lose weight.

25-34 year olds are the most likely to use weight loss supplements with over a quarter (27%) trying this method to shift the pounds.

Worryingly, one in five (20%) of 18-24 year olds admitted to using weight loss injections. According to the data, men are more likely to opt for injections, with almost one in 10 (9%) opting for this as their preferred way to lose weight.

Almost 3 in 4 Londoners (73%) have tried quick-fix methods to lose weight, including 32% trying crash diets, 24% weight loss supplements and 17% weight loss injections. People living in Northern Ireland are the most likely to turn to the host of new weight loss injections (36%) to lose weight.

Melissa Snover, CEO and founder of Nourished, commented, “The statistics are a wake-up call. Poor diet and nutrition are not just about systemic issues like food accessibility and affordability. Personal choices and societal pressures to lose weight are leading individuals to the overuse and reliance on restrictive diets and weight loss products, which are equally impacting the nutrition of the nation. We must address these challenges head-on to prevent a full-blown health crisis.”

In light of these alarming statistics, Melissa believes the importance of proper nutrition and supplementation becomes evident. Vitamin supplements play a crucial role in combating malnutrition, especially for vulnerable populations.

Despite this, a quarter (25%) of people admitted to never taking a vitamin supplement, and over half (57%) are currently not taking any.

“The pressure to conform to societal standards of beauty and fitness is driving people to unhealthy extremes,” said Snover. “At Nourished, we believe in promoting balanced, sustainable health practices that are unique to the individual’s needs over quick fixes. Yet usage of weight loss supplements and more recently injections are on the rise, and even though it’s been proven that fad diets don’t work, research has revealed that two-thirds of Brits are consistently on a diet.”

“A study in 2021 highlighted that rapid weight loss can lead to metabolic syndrome, including conditions such as high blood pressure, blood sugar and abnormal cholesterol levels. Not enough individuals are fully aware of the serious health consequences of prioritising weight loss over nutrition, and more must be done to educate individuals about the risks. “

“Adequate intake of vitamins such as A, C, and D is critical for maintaining a robust immune system, which is particularly important for children in their developmental years. Nutrients like iron, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids are vital for brain development and cognitive function.

“Deficiencies in these nutrients can impair learning and concentration, and consistent nutritional deficiencies can lead to chronic health issues such as anaemia, stunted growth, and increased susceptibility to infections.”

The newly launched slimming support pack

A New Solution from Nourished
In response to the rising trend of crash diets and weight loss supplements, Nourished is launching a new Slimming Support Stack. This new vitamin stack is designed to ensure that individuals currently using weight loss methods or on restrictive diets receive essential daily nutrients.

About the Slimming Support Stack
The Slimming Support Stack is a specially curated formulation designed to tackle common deficiencies that arise during weight management journeys. Key ingredients include Ovoderm Collagen for skin and joint health, CoQ10 for energy and cardiovascular support, and Vitamin D for immune health.

A close up view of the supplement

The stack also contains Vitamin B12 to aid energy and normal psychological function and Vitamin A for healthy vision, immune function, and hair, skin, and nail support, addressing common deficiencies associated with typical weight management methods.

These nutrients are crucial for maintaining overall health and compensating for the potential lack of essential vitamins and minerals during dieting and weight loss efforts.

Nourished Slimming Support Stacks will be available online from today (24th July) for £28.

For more information, please visit

New Research by Nourished Reveals Britain's Hidden Modern Diet Epidemic 2

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