I really do believe that all brands, whether attached to the luxury industry or not must be on and using this integrated Google platform to its fullest. Those of you that are not concentrating now on the Google products may find yourself left out in the cold, I want you to imagine having a brand that is far less visible on Google, think how this will impact on your business?
Luxurious Magazine uses social media to increase brand awareness around the world, we can’t be the best or the most popular on Facebook as we started our page much later than most others (less than two years ago) and our range of articles is so diverse that it just doesn’t work well for us or the audience we have. Personally, I have a problem with the figures shown on Facebook business pages because, as much as the company tries to prevent this, they can still be manipulated i.e. buying followers and I don’t agree with using ‘like us’ to enter a competition etc, it just results in thousands of likes and then before long, the audience starts to click ignore posts, it’s so obvious to many, just look at the number of people ‘talking about’ the page.
The key to building global brands is predicting what the audience wants and engaging them, using their feedback, this is where I feel that Google Plus is streets ahead of Facebook for businesses, it offers immediate direct feedback and statistics that are available for all to see, there is no hiding, there is no misdirection.
You can get a better idea by looking at the two images.
We created an article about the US company, Tanom. Just the first image was viewed 117,907 times* in less than 12 hours – the full gallery had been viewed over 200,000 times.
Our Italian based photographer, Simone Zeffiro’s Harley Davidson gallery from his visit last week to EICMA in Milan was also hugely popular with a total in excess of 60,000 views
*In the time it took to compile this piece, the Tanom article lead image had been viewed a further 10,000+ times. This should help to provide a small insight into how big our audience is and why you should be using Social Media like Google Plus to get your message out.
Editorial Team https://www.luxuriousmagazine.com The independent luxury magazine showcasing the finest and most luxurious things in life. Luxurious Magazine travels the world visiting the best resorts, hotel and restaurants to see whether they warrant the 'Luxurious Magazine' seal of approval. We also feature the latest news, finest products and services, luxury events and talk to leading personalities and celebrities.