Why the Peace Lily is the Perfect Plant for Health and Happiness

Why the Peace Lily is the Perfect Plant for Health and Happiness

Imagine a plant that not only brightens your space but also acts as a natural air purifier, mood booster, and stress reliever—all while requiring minimal care. Meet the Peace Lily: a powerhouse of greenery that delivers a whole host of benefits in a single, elegant package. Whether you’re a seasoned plant enthusiast or just starting your indoor garden, this versatile plant is more than just a pretty face.

For this guide, we’ve called upon the in-depth green-fingered knowledge of Jo, the founder of Beards & Daisies and author of the houseplant guide ‘The Unkillables’, who, below, has detailed many of the benefits this one incredible plant brings.

Air Purification
Removes Toxins: Peace Lilies are effective at filtering harmful toxins from the air, such as benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, ammonia, and xylene. These are commonly found in household items such as paints, cleaning products, and furniture.

Improves Air Quality: By reducing these pollutants, the Peace Lily helps improve indoor air quality, making it easier to breathe and potentially reducing symptoms related to poor air quality, such as headaches and respiratory issues.

Increases Humidity
Releases Moisture: Peace Lilies release moisture into the air through a process called transpiration. This can help increase the humidity level in your home, which is particularly beneficial in dry environments or during winter when indoor air tends to be dry.

A woman looking after her lily in her home

Easy to Care For
Low Maintenance: Peace Lilies are relatively easy to care for, making them ideal for both beginner and experienced plant owners. They thrive in low to medium light and require minimal watering, typically once a week.

Durable: They are hardy plants that can tolerate some neglect, such as occasional missed watering.

Aesthetic Appeal
Elegant Appearance: With their glossy, dark green leaves and white blooms. The white blooms are known as spathes, while the spiky structure inside is called the spadix.

Together, they function as a single flower. Peace Lilies add a touch of elegance to any room. Their minimalist yet attractive appearance makes them a popular home and office décor choice.

Blooms Indoors: Unlike many other houseplants, Peace Lilies can bloom indoors under the right conditions, providing year-round beauty.

Peace and Tranquility: The Peace Lily is often associated with peace, purity, and healing. It is a popular gift for comforting those who have lost a loved one or as a symbol of peace and calm in the home.

Reduces Mould Spores
Absorbs Excess Moisture: Peace Lilies can help reduce mould spores in the air by absorbing excess moisture through their leaves. This can help prevent mould growth in damp areas, such as bathrooms.

Enhances Mental Well-being
Boosts Mood: Indoor plants like the Peace Lily have been shown to enhance mood, reduce stress, and increase feelings of well-being. Caring for the plant can also be therapeutic.

Improves Sleep
Better Sleep Quality: Peace lilies can improve air quality and humidity, contributing to better sleep. Placing one in your bedroom might help you sleep more soundly.

A woman inspecting the leaves on her favourite plant

Caring for a Peace Lily
Jo says, “Caring for your peace lily is wonderfully simple, making it a perfect choice for both novice and seasoned plant lovers.

“This resilient plant thrives in low to moderate light, so it’s happy in almost any room of your home. Watering is easy, too—give it a drink when the top inch of soil feels dry, and it will reward you with lush green leaves and beautiful white blooms.

Plus, the peace lily is forgiving; it quickly perks up if you happen to miss a watering. With minimal effort, you can enjoy a vibrant and healthy plant that also helps purify the air in your space.”

A little ‘kitchen scrap hack
Gail Nacoste, a member of the Creative Gardening group on Facebook, credits her peace lily’s abundant blooms to the use of banana peel water.

In a recent post, Gail shared a photo of her flourishing peace lily, captioning it: “I’ve been using banana peel water to water my peace lily, and it’s been blooming like crazy with large flowers and rapid growth. I’ve also started using it on my other plants, and they’re all thriving!”

A man working at home with a lily on his deskWhy the Peace Lily is the Perfect Plant for Health and Happiness 2

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