Pininfarina Architettura Smart Working Kit ConceptPininfarina Architettura Smart Working Kit Concept

Working from home is now more popular than ever. To help make people’s work-life simpler, the experts at Pininfarina Architettura has popped their thinking caps on and designed an innovative product, currently called the Smart Working Kit Concept.

The pandemic has caused many changes this year, some positive, others less so. One of the significant changes has been the practice of working from home. For many, this has become the new norm, and although it might have reached its peak, it is a new aspect of modern life that is certainly not going away.

Over the past six months, many businesses have embraced the benefits of home working, achieving surprisingly positive results; others have been dragged into it kicking and screaming.

Businesses around the world understand that working from home is here to stay, and the design world has been quick to embrace this with the development of new products aimed to make work-life more efficient.

Pininfarina Architettura is one of the companies who’s taken up the challenge to make working from home, better and simpler, and their vision has been named the Smart Working Kit Concept. It is a concept comprising of reconfigurable modular elements which can be used together or independently. The ultimate goal of this concept is the ability to transform any environment into an office.

The Smart Working Kit Concept was inspired by recent studies on structuring the home environment into complex, reconfigurable spaces. Pininfarina has transferred this concept into imagining a tool that can be easily adapted to different working needs.

The Smart Working Kit Concept looks great and consists of modular elements that when combined form a piece of furniture able to decorate the house but at the same time compact enough to be taken on business trips.

The components making up the Pininfarina Architettura Smart Working Kit ConceptThe components making up the Pininfarina Architettura Smart Working Kit Concept

The separate modular elements consist of a laptop stand, a projector, a CPU with a small screen, speakers and a microphone, air purifier, lights, a stand for heating and cooling drinks along with a noise cancellation system.

Each of these elements can be built up to suit personal preferences and conditions of use, ensuring maximum flexibility for those working from home.

The concept has been designed for future collaboration with potential industrial partners, and it has been developed in synergy with GET and Ni.Do, two Italian design firms at the forefront of environmental and social sustainability.

For more information on Pininfarina Architettura Smart Working Kit Concept and the parent company, visit

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