Regulate™ from Earth’s Secret, the Natural Way to Avoid Glucose-spikes and Falls

Regulate™ from Earth's Secret, the Natural Way to Avoid Glucose-spikes and Falls

Today’s world is filled with foods that can make you feel great one minute and absolutely awful the next. Many of these foods cause glucose levels in the body to spike and fall, which can lead to a whole host of problems. One way you can avoid this is by using nature’s botanicals to help create some balance, which is where Regulate™ from Earth’s Secret comes into play.

Food today is a far cry from what it was in years gone by. Supermarket shelves house attractive-looking boxes and packets almost stacked to the rafters with unnecessarily high amounts of sugar alongside confusingly named ingredients, many of which are nigh-on unpronounceable. Without a second thought, people put these into their bodies, and a frequent result following this is a spike in blood sugar (postprandial hyperglycemia), which can make people feel awful.

A man sat at his desk feeling bloated

Although many of today’s foods, whether off the shelf or cooked for you, will provide almost instant gratification, as mentioned, the upside is frequently short-lived, and sometimes, the feelings one experiences afterwards can spoil what could’ve been pleasurable times.

Many people today follow the advice of leading medical and dietary practitioners by introducing periods of fasting and eating organic foods, which are excellent ways to put the body on the correct path and reduce glucose spikes. However, we appreciate that this is often easier said than done, particularly when one is at work, where you are usually obliged to “Go with the flow.”

Even if you are already eating super-healthy, there will be times when you’ll need to go for something to eat to maintain good relationships with colleagues. Many reading this will likely have experienced sitting at a desk following a heavy lunch, feeling sluggish and groggy, bloated, unable to focus, and thinking up an excuse for a quick power nap.

One of the fruit strips beings removed from the box

Fortunately, this could now be a thing of the past as the Regulate™ fruit strips have been formulated to reduce the negative impacts of the above, and crucially, it does it using nature’s power.

A close up view of one of the red coloured fruit strips

The Regulate™ strips contain a blend of Reducose, Chromax, and apple cider vinegar. All you need to do is place a strip on your tongue for 2-3 minutes before eating a carb-heavy meal and let the magic begin.

A woman putting a fruit strip on her tongue

The tasty strips will absorb quickly, helping to maintain balanced blood sugar levels and support overall metabolic health.

Quite rightly, there will be many people concerned about what they are putting in their bodies, and some of the ingredients in the strips might be unfamiliar. Therefore, to help quell any concerns, let’s take a closer look at some of the main ingredients in Regulate™.

White Mulberry Leaf (Reducose®) reduces the rate at which sugars are absorbed into the bloodstream by 40%, helping to prevent rapid spikes in blood glucose levels and reduce the post-meal energy slump. It also helps promote healthy gut bacteria in the digestive system. (source)

Chromax®, a form of chromium picolinate, enhances insulin’s effectiveness in the body, helping to metabolise sugars and fats, manage appetite and reduce cravings. (source)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar improves insulin sensitivity; it can reduce sugar spikes after meals, making it a valuable ally for those looking to manage their dietary glucose intake more effectively. (source)

A tasty addition to “Regulate,” this tropical fruit is rich in vitamins C and A, antioxidants, and dietary fibre, which support the immune system, improve digestion, and promote heart health.


  • Clinically proven patented ingredients
  • Backed by 40 human clinical trials
  • Portable – take it wherever you go
  • No more capsules; just place a strip on your tongue
  • Oral strips are 7x more bioavailable than traditional supplements
  • Vegan, sugar-free, non-GMO
  • Eco-friendly and recyclable packaging
  • Trees are planted with every order

Price: £29.99 / 30 vegan strips

The Regulate strips are available to purchase at

A woman holding one of the strips in her hand
Regulate™ from Earth's Secret, the Natural Way to Avoid Glucose-spikes and Falls 2

Natasha Godbold

Creative Director / Writer

Natasha is a co-founder of Luxurious Magazine® and has undertaken the role of Creative Director. She is a keen photographer and regularly accompanies Paul on hotel and restaurant reviews. Born in Moscow, Natasha like her husband Paul has experienced living in multiple countries around the world. She is bi-lingual and has degrees in English Language and English Literature. Natasha covers all aspect of the luxury industry in her work. Her hobbies include health and fitness, culture and learning about nature and animal welfare.

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