Smiths of London are celebrating Over 60 Years of Business, this Handmade Lighting Company Illuminates British Manufacturing Excellence.

With over sixty years of handmade manufacturing experience, Smiths of London, the specialists in creating the highest quality decorative lighting products are celebrating the fact that British handmade production is still the best in the world.

Smiths of London celebrate 60 years of handmade lighting and British excellenceSmiths of London celebrate 60 years of handmade lighting and British excellenceFor the past sixty years, Smiths of London have produced the finest in bespoke handmade decorative lighting. Their attention to detail and artisan designs can be found gracing hotels and residential properties around the country, and as Managing Director Kevin Smith says – it’s proof that England still dominates the world stage when it comes to handmade production:

“Smiths of London is a microcosm of the continuing quality and detail that goes into British handmade manufacturing. 60-years after founding its first precision engineering company Ajax Ltd, the Smith family boast the world’s finest quality in decorative lighting – either from our own collections or our ability to design and create anything from our customers’ own designs”, says Kevin.

Smiths of London have recently launched 12 new collections of exquisite marble lamps at the London Design Festival. Everything that the company produces takes pride of place – and  Smiths of London’s lighting can be found sitting in some of England’s top hotels, as well as being the lamps of choice by many prestigious designers – often making their way into some of the world’s most exclusive residences.

The Smiths of London success purely down to fine quality and craftsmanship:

“Quality always reflects value and reputation” says Kevin. He continues “Precision and quality in design and manufacture has been the mainstay behind the Smith family success for over sixty years. Quality is certainly inbred and is not a sales cliché. To have a history in product quality that’s this long, along with the reputation we have – it requires a massive investment in quality, people and resources. It’s always been our sole focus and will continue to be as we look forward to another sixty years in business”.

Smiths of London have a detailed website to showcase their collections, as well as giving details on their bespoke service. Even their standard manufactured lighting can be fully customised, with short lead times and prompt delivery.