Good-quality sleep is an essential part of human life that keeps the mind and body healthy. However, finding the way into the ‘land of nod’ can often be tricky, particularly if you share a bed. Fortunately, the Scandinavians know the simplest and fastest way to get there, and in this feature, we reveal how they do it.

It is estimated that more than 30 million couples¹ have difficulties sleeping when sharing a bed with their partner. So much so that over half consider sleeping in separate beds.

Although we love our partners, there are times when it seems we love sleep more. However, some nationalities rarely face this dilemma, and one of the standouts is the Scandinavians. In the feature, the experts at Winston Beds explain the Northern European sleep hack that is saving couples from (sleep) separation.

The impact of sleep issues on relationships
Sharing your bed with your significant other can be difficult, even on a king-size mattress. From stolen duvet covers and snoring to starfish sleeping positions, we all know someone who loves to hog the bed.

But struggling to get a good night’s sleep could be putting additional strain on your relationship.

Winston Beds operations manager Isaah Reece says, “Getting an undisturbed night’s sleep can be difficult when you share a bed with your partner every night. Your love for someone can quickly turn to contempt when you want them to roll over and breathe in the opposite direction!

“Not only does the strain last throughout the night, but the effects of poor sleep can stretch into your daily lives. A lack of quality sleep can lead to an increase in mood swings and mental health symptoms. It can negatively impact your relationship and make disagreements more likely.

“Lower levels of sleep are also connected to losing focus easily. No one wants to think they aren’t being listened to in their relationship but finding the energy to pay attention after a bad night’s sleep can be too much.”

What is the Scandinavian sleep hack?
The sleep hack, which is commonly used in Scandinavia, is simple and one of those “Why didn’t I think of that” solutions. Most northern European couples go to bed with two duvets, one for each!

Instead of the endless tug-of-war you and your partner have at night, these couples get to sleep peacefully, knowing their comforter is their own and won’t be stolen in the middle of the night, leaving them out in the cold.

Rather than having two beds, treat the one bed like two individual areas. It will help when it comes to both different temperature and firmness preferences. The importance of correct temperature when trying to sleep is extremely important, and some couples’ personal preferences will obviously differ², which makes finding a happy medium very difficult if you are a hot sleeper and your partner isn’t.

Isaah says, “Having separate duvets means you can control your own temperature without worrying about causing your partner too much discomfort.

“And for some, you might have different comfort levels than your partner. Treating the two sides of the bed as separate zones means you can even find a zip and link mattress which combines two different firmness levels so that you both get your optimal comfort – and makes sure you stick to your own sides!”

Gone are the midnight arguments about who has most of the cover or is stretching too far across the bed. This hack means that you are your partner can sleep in comfort, with your own preferences. While compromising is a key skill for couples, you shouldn’t have to compromise on your sleeping comfort and being a bit selfish when it comes to sleep could save you from couple’s bickering during the daytime too.


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