One Size Doesn't Fit All – Introducing The Custom Fit THEMAGIC5 Swimming GogglesOne Size Doesn't Fit All – Introducing The Custom Fit THEMAGIC5 Swimming Goggles

THEMAGIC5 is like no other swimming goggles you can buy. They’re custom-made using face-scanning technology to achieve a perfect fit. But do they live up to the hype? Read on to find out.

I spend a LOT of time in the pool.

I’ve been swimming regularly for years. I started pool swimming competitively as a kid before moving into open water events and triathlons, and I’ve tried almost every goggle under the sun, and I still find it a struggle to find a pair that fit well and don’t leave me with goggle-induced circles around my eyes.

These revolutionary swimming goggles are designed to give you a custom fit based on the contours of your face.

The goggles on a wet surfaceThe goggles on a wet surface

I’d heard a lot about THEMAGIC5 before trying them out. My triathlon friends had been raving about them, explaining how they’re a “game changer” and the only goggles they’ve tried that don’t leak. So I was really excited when I finally got my hands on some.

THEMAGIC5 was born after its co-founders, Bo, Niklas and Rasmus, had grown tired of trying to find goggles that didn’t leak or cause annoying headaches. Together, they set out to create the world’s first made-to-measure swimming goggles.

The goggle in its case by the side of a swimming poolThe goggle in its case by the side of a swimming pool

What are THEMAGIC5 swimming goggles?
THEMAGIC5 swimming goggles are 3D-printed and custom fitted to your face. They’re created using an app, where you choose your preferred lens and then scan your face dimensions.

The company’s experts work their magic using your scan and print your unique gasket – that’s the part of the goggle which covers your eye socket – as well as a bespoke nose bridge, and the good news is your goggles should be ready within a couple of weeks.

THEMAGIC5 asks you to rate the fit of your goggles to feed into their algorithm that helps improve future orders. If your goggles aren’t quite right, THEMAGIC5 can make you a new pair.

Special features

No more goggle marks
As I mentioned, the swimming goggles are custom-made, which is pretty unique. I don’t think this technology exists in any other goggles. As the gasket is moulded to fit your eye socket, there’s no need to tighten the strap to extremes or squish the goggles into your eyes. In fact, the company says that you should avoid tightening altogether.

The goggles should sit lightly on your face and be comfortable to wear. The benefit is that you’re not left with terrible-looking goggle marks or eye aches, which most swimmers will have suffered from in the past.

Low profile
Like most premium goggles, the THEMAGIC5 features a low or slim profile. The benefit there being that they cause less drag in the water.

For those competing in the pool, especially sprinters, improved aerodynamics could be the slight competitive edge that wins you your next race.

Blue mirror gold lens
You’ll find a variety of lens styles to choose from, including mirrored, clear and smokey. The brand also launches stylish, limited-edition goggles quite regularly.

I tried the Blue Magic Mirror Gold lens. This model has a blue lens with a gold mirrored finish. The blue tint provides beautifully clear vision, which is ideal for both indoor and outdoor swimming, making this model the most versatile one to go for.

This lens works well for most UK-based outdoor swims where conditions are bright but not really sunny. If you’re swimming in bright sunlight, especially abroad, you’ll want a pair of polarised lenses to reduce glare. For competitive pool swimmers, the mirrored lens also supposedly adds a physiological advantage.

How did the goggles perform?
Ordering the THEMAGIC5 swimming goggles couldn’t have been easier. Once I’d ordered through the website, I got an email prompting me to download the face-scanning app so that the goggles could be custom-made.

Top tip: Take your time doing the face scan and read the instructions. I rushed it and received an email afterwards letting me know I hadn’t done it correctly. You need to move your phone when scanning, not your head.

Fortunately, my second attempt was a success, and I was very excited when the goggles arrived a couple of weeks later in a protective hard case. I headed straight to the pool to try them out.

I tried the goggles for a couple of weeks, swimming two to three times for an hour in a normal indoor pool. I barely noticed I was wearing them. It did take me a couple of tries to get the fit right and get used to not having the straps tight. I got the hang of it eventually, and the goggles performed brilliantly. No leaks, no goggle marks, and no more adjustments needed!

I also noticed the goggles gave me a much wider field of vision, increasing visibility thanks to the narrow profile. I tried the goggles during a couple of open-water swims in the UK, and they performed well there too.

Final words
I really rate THEMAGIC5 goggles, especially for pool swimming and anyone who wants to swim long distances distraction-free and with maximum comfort. Once you get the fit right, you’ll be able to swim to your heart’s content without the hassle of readjusting the straps or emptying water that’s snuck its way into the gasket. Like with shop-bought goggles.

I wouldn’t wear them for open water competitions or triathlons with ‘mass starts’, though lots of athletes do. Mass starts are where everyone starts the race at the same time, which often involves getting grabbed, kicked and swam over. And because the strap on THEMAGIC5 goggles is designed to be worn loosely, this puts them at higher risk of being swiped off your face in a mass start.

Besides, I’m very fond of my new custom-fit goggles, so I’ll save them for long sessions in the pool, where I’ll get the maximum benefit.

THEMAGIC5 – Where & How?

THEMAGIC5 swimming goggles start from £54. The Blue Magic Mirror Gold pair I tried cost £62. If you’re ordering from the UK, there’s free shipping on orders over £70.

Shipping takes 14 working days, and any sales taxes and customs charges are helpfully included in the purchase price. Find out more at

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