Swipe Left or Swipe Right? Former Debrett’s Editor Jo Bryant Shares Her Top Dating TipsSwipe Left or Swipe Right? Former Debrett’s Editor Jo Bryant Shares Her Top Dating Tips

We live in a modern world in which a right swipe is the first step to love. Unfortunately, our phone screens can offer a false sense of freedom which allows us to behave inappropriately. Think of ghosting, rude messaging, flippant swiping and inappropriate pictures – do we need to go on? In an ever-increasing digital age, it becomes all too easy to forget our basic good manners.

The exciting thing? Dating apps are taking a stand to legitimately do something about this frustrating phenomenon.

Time to swipe left to rudeness

Today, The Inner Circle launches with the help of ‘British manners expert’ Jo Bryant, a digital dating etiquette pledge to ensure its 1.4 million members meet an acceptable standard to digital dating conduct.

The Inner Circle decided to take action when a survey revealed that 98% of female members wouldn’t date someone attractive with poor manners. 83% of male members agreed.

Written by former Debrett’s editor Jo Bryant, the pledge includes a concise guide on how to behave in a refined manner in the swiping world. Members will have to adhere to the conduct guidelines outlined in the pledge or will be removed.

Jo’s top guidelines to act ‘decent’
  • Be real – don’t catfish, be yourself both in your bio and pictures. No point in pretending otherwise
  • Be interactive – show initiative and confidence. If someone catches your eye then send them a personal message
  • Be reliable – treat dates with the importance they deserve. Keep to your word, be punctual and be polite
  • Be kind– If things aren’t working out, be clear but kind. Approach the situation with sensitivity and decency
  • Be respectful – don’t pester or be overly persistent
  • Be inclusive – Whether it’s in your profile description or a personal message, prejudiced, judgemental or discriminatory comments are neither tolerated nor permissible
  • Be vigilant – report anyone who doesn’t follow the guidelines

Swipe Left or Swipe Right? Former Debrett’s Editor Jo Bryant Shares Her Top Dating Tips 1Swipe Left or Swipe Right? Former Debrett’s Editor Jo Bryant Shares Her Top Dating Tips 1Manners maven, Jo Bryant comments “Online dating, for many, can be a bold and brave move. It is the beginning of an exciting new journey of opportunities and experiences.

Along the way, there will be times of vulnerability. To succeed in this digital space, you have to put great faith into trust, honesty and decency. It’s a two-way street, and appropriate manners and good etiquette are of great importance.”

David Vermeulen, CEO and founder explains, “The impact we have on others’ feelings is far greater than we think. Sometimes when there is a device that replaces face to face interaction we forget about our manners. Today’s launch of the etiquette pledge communicates honesty, respect, authenticity and ultimately compassion.”