The VAION NAD+ Pen is a Simple Way to Achieve a Better Quality of Life

The Vaion NAD+ Pen is a Simple Way to Achieve a Better Quality of Life

In this review feature, we try out the VAION NAD+ Pen, a simple and innovative way to top up and maintain the body’s NAD+ level at home. Below, we provide a detailed overview of our experience and explain how it can help increase brain function, improve physical capability, better regulate metabolism, improve one’s physical appearance, and a whole lot more.

Although Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, also known as NAD, might be new to some, it has been with us for more than a century thanks to a discovery by a couple of British scientists who were engaged in researching yeast fermentation for alcohol.

As is often the case, the full benefits of new discoveries need to wait until technology catches up. Fortunately, we have reached that stage, and scientists and researchers have been expanding their knowledge and ours via in-depth studies. The result of this is a new sector/category on the health and wellness scene called NAD+ therapy, which ties us nicely to VAION.

What is NAD+?
Although it would be easy for us to jump headfirst into the more technical medical aspects of NAD+, we feel that our readers would prefer us to condense the information and give a more basic overview. Therefore, to save our fingers and your eyesight, let’s continue along those lines.

NAD+ is a coenzyme or helper molecule found within all living cells, and it is critical to life. It is instrumental in supporting a range of biological processes, including the repair of DNA and the stimulation of stem cells. It also facilitates energy production and helps with overall healthy ageing.

Mitochondria, the tiny powerhouses that produce the cells’ energy, are reliant on NAD, which is necessary for reducing their ageing and helping them replicate, among other things.

An image showing mitochondria in a cell

Mitochondria are found in every complex multicellular organism, and without them, the biological processes in our bodies would stop working. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to imagine what will happen if they don’t get the energy they need or if their numbers drastically decline.

The worrying aspect, which simultaneously showcases the importance of the VAION NAD+ Pen, is that as we get older, our levels of NAD+ decrease, and we need as much as possible to keep us going, allow us to live longer, and experience high-quality lives.

The impact of ageing on NAD+ levels is shocking: According to medical experts, when we reach around thirty years of age, our NAD+ production decreases by about half every twenty years. What that means is that by the time we reach fifty, we will only have around 50% of the levels we had when we were thirty, and worse still, it falls further to 25% when we are seventy.

Until the appearance of companies like VAION, NAD+ treatments were the domain of costly private clinics. At these locations, a single large dose would usually be administered intravenously (IV) directly into a vein. Although this type of treatment produced the desired results, the experts at VAION knew there was a more straightforward way that could be faster and more convenient.

VAION has basically eliminated the bags and drips and replaced them with a significantly simpler system. The innovative vehicle they opted for is a silver pen about the same length as a typical pen, only a little thicker.

The pen set is sent out in refrigerated, smart-looking matte black boxes. Inside the boxes is the pen body, which contains an empty cartridge, twenty sterile microneedles, twenty alcohol swabs, a full cartridge and a plastic sharp-safe box to store the used needles.

The VAION NAD+ pen kits are available in two main options: a one-month supply or a three-month supply ( you can also purchase one-month and three-month refills separately)*.

Using the VAION Pen
Admittedly, I was a little wary about injecting myself; it’s not that I am scared of needles, more so that I didn’t want to make any mistakes, and I had never had the need to inject myself, so my experience was limited.

Fortunately, VAION has made knowing what to do extremely easy with a collection of easy-to-understand video guides and separate clear instructions inside the set.

A photograph showing a woman holding the pen

At the top of the VAION pen is a pull-out meter, which can always be seen on a transparent screen when the pen is fully closed and ready to use. Cycling through each numerical setting produces a reassuring audible click, and with each turn, the built-in black plunger presses against the NAD+ vial to ensure you’ll only get your desired dosage amount.

With the vial inserted into the pen and a needle added, you just need to choose a fleshy part of the body (cleaned/sterilised); the most obvious places are the belly or buttocks. You’ll then need to place the end of the pen on the chosen area, press the top, and hold it for three seconds to inject the NAD+.

The pen being injected into the belly

Following the injection, you carefully unscrew the needle using the needle’s plastic cap, place it inside the supplied sharpsafe box, reconnect the pen, and store it in the refrigerator, ready for subsequent use.

Although the above process may seem technical, it isn’t. Once you’ve done it once, it becomes second nature. Also, I am confident that at this point (no pun intended), some will be thinking, “Does it hurt?” You can rest assured that it doesn’t.

Due to the incredibly small size of the microneedles, I noticed nothing. In fact, it was so painless that I was sure that I had done it wrong and pushed the pen further into the side of my buttock until I thought I could feel something!

Was there any Noticeable Positive Effect?
My wife and I walk for an hour around our village at the end of every working day (weather permitting).

On the day I had my first injection, I must admit that I was far from being in the right mood. I was feeling tired, and if a believable excuse not to go had sprung forth, I would’ve taken it.

The cap being taken off the needle

About 30 minutes before we were due to head out, and without any pre-planned agenda, I decided to try the pen. Ten minutes after completing the routine I detailed earlier, I’d noticed zero difference, reinforcing the thought that I had done something wrong.

Without an excuse to hold me back, I begrudgingly donned my walking boots, and we headed out.

Around five minutes into our walk, I said to my wife, and I am paraphrasing, “Crikey, I feel really good.” Throughout the walk, I felt like I was ten or even twenty years younger, which was due to a noticeable spike in energy; it was so evident that we decided to extend our time outdoors. This prompted my wife to suggest that I do it every time before we walk!

It did cross my mind that the upbeat feeling could’ve been a placebo; however, given that I was very unenthusiastic before departing and still felt tired/lethargic for the first five minutes of the walk before noticing a sudden improvement, it had to have been the NAD+ injection.

I am fitter than my age would indicate. However, I cannot escape the fact that I am a man in my mid-fifties, and tiredness shows its presence much more than in years gone by. With quite a bit of tiredness experience under my belt, I feel I am well-placed to notice anything out of the ordinary, particularly regarding my body’s energy levels.

Based on my experience¹, VAION’s NAD+ injection system seems to work extremely well, and the increase in my energy levels following an injection was very evident. However, what the longer-term benefits of having extra NAD+ in my body will be is now in the hands of the gods.

Microorganisms in a human body

Final Thoughts
We look out at the night sky, pondering the possibility of life in the vastness of the Universe while ignoring that inside each of us is another type of Universe, a biological one teeming with trillions of life forms.

Instead of focusing on life out there, we should all focus on what’s inside us. We should do all we can to give that life what it needs to survive and flourish, and doing so will undoubtedly prove beneficial in the longer term.

Having learned of the shocking deterioration in NAD+ levels that come with age, excessive alcohol consumption, overeating, sleep deprivation, etc., it is clear why this type of therapy has become a booming sector. If money was no object, I’d have my wife and I using the VAION pen until the end of our days. As is often said, “It’s better to be safe than sorry.”

VAION NAD+ Pen – Where and how?

Pricing for the VAION NAD+ Pen ranges from £310.00 to £900.00, depending on the options chosen*. For more information on the company and to make a purchase, visit their website

¹On two further occasions, I took an injection prior to a walk and replicated the same experience detailed above.

A doctor holding a pen in each hand

Photographs of the NAD+ Pen (C) Vaion.
The VAION NAD+ Pen is a Simple Way to Achieve a Better Quality of Life 2

Paul Godbold

Founder, Editor-in-Chief

Paul is the owner and editor-in-chief of Luxurious Magazine. He previously worked as a fashion model, was in the British Army and created companies in the technology, venture capital and financial services sectors. In addition to writing, he also proofs, edits, designs, lays out and publishes all the articles in the online magazine. Paul is a full member of the Chartered Institute of Journalists.

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