The critically acclaimed Wars of the Roses LIVE! Returns to Warwick Castle on Saturday, 25 May, for an unmissable jousting spectacular. As the cast make their final preparations ahead of the launch, five of the lead female cast members have been spotted practising the medieval sport of jousting on horseback in front of the castle walls.

Back by popular demand, Wars of the Roses LIVE! is a jaw-dropping equestrian show at Warwick Castle featuring real-life jousting alongside sword combat, trick riding, stunts and pyrotechnics. The immersive show depicts a series of civil wars fought in the 15th century over control of the English throne and sees guests choose their side before watching the 32-year battle unfold before their eyes.

Adorned in the colours of the House of Lancaster and the House of York, the fierce combatants are dressed with lances, shields, swords and flags as they fight through the arena.

Warwick Castle’s equestrian team consists of 20 horses, including Iberian, Irish, English Thoroughbreds and Cobs, as well as 30 cast members, including the stunt team, actors, vets and stables staff. Warwick Castle is proud to be leading the way for female jousting in the male-dominated industry, with half of the cast members being female.

The arena for Warwick Castle’s epic horse show is in the same spot where jousting would have taken place centuries prior. Jousting was a popular pastime of many European nobles in the medieval era. However, with so many noblemen getting injured through the sport and losing the ability to fight in battle, in 1194, Warwick was named just one of five towns granted a licence to host jousting tournaments.

Warwick Castle honours this legacy and continues to practise the sport on the grounds of the castle today.

Kelly Ude-Martinez, Head Jouster at Warwick Castle, said, “What I love most about playing the fearless warrior Queen Margaret of Anjou in the show is inspiring the next generation of women. Over the years, lots of little girls have come up to me after the show, telling me they didn’t know girls could joust on horseback and that they want to get into trick riding – it’s amazing to represent strong female characters in our performances at Warwick Castle.”

For more information on Wars of the Roses LIVE! and to book tickets, visit